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COVID-19 Action Plan

Infection Control Plan for Therapeutic Riding Sessions

  • During riding sessions, no one will enter the building with the exception of the bathroom using the door off the patio. The front door to be building will be locked during riding sessions. Access to bathrooms will be via side entrance and clearly posted.
  • No one will be allowed on property for 14 days since the date that they returned from travelling as designated by the CDC policies. Or if they live with someone who has travelled. Everyone will be screened for travel.
  • If any person, who comes on property, tests positive for COVID 19, they must inform us and the program will be shut down immediately for 14 days and possibly longer. (Anyone who was on site at the time of possible exposure will be contacted immediately.)
  • No one with signs or symptoms should come to the facility. Posters will be displayed with signs and symptoms.
  • Instructors will do a verbal health check with riders and volunteers in their sessions at the beginning of every session asking about: signs and symptoms, travel, and exposure. Documentation will be recorded in schooling/therapy notes.
  • Upon arrival, everyone will wash their hands at a hand washing station following CDC guidelines.

Family/Rider Procedures

  • Families should bring the minimum number of people needed to care for the rider to help limit the number of people on site.
  • Riders will be required to have their own helmets and face mask
  • WETRA will clean reins before and after each lesson.
  • Families will not be allowed in the viewing room but rather, will wait for the participant in designated areas. (WETRA Picnic tables, chairs, and bathrooms will be cleaned and sanitized routinely.)
  • Riders will wait in cars until a volunteer/instructor comes to get them at the start of a session. The rider families will then be directed to designated areas to help in maintaining social distancing.
  • Riders will be dismounted close to the entrance so riders can go straight to their families. Riders will be dismounted and exited one at a time.
  • Families will be asked to leave promptly after class to allow for disinfecting and to limit the number of people on site.


  • In order to keep volunteers engaged and to maximize volunteer retention, we may need to limit volunteers to less sessions. Thus, maintaining a small number of people on site but maximizing number of people engaged in program.
  • Volunteers will wear face masks when social distancing is not possible while they are on property.
  • Volunteers will be encouraged to bring their own masks
  • If volunteers want to wear gloves. They can come onsite, wash hands and use their gloves. Once removing their gloves will wash their hands.
  • No hand jewelry will be worn. Only easily washable watches with minimal grooves may be worn such as a fitbit etc.
  • Volunteers on arrival will wash and or sanitize hands using the dispensers provided.
  • Volunteers will text or email Sydney, the volunteer coordinator, with the number of hours. The sign in book will not be used.
  • Online screening and assessment forms can be signed and submitted online before coming to the facility under the COVID tab.


  • Instructors will each have an infection control apron. The apron will contain supplies to mitigate contamination by bodily fluids including properly folded masks, sanitizer, tissues, Ziploc bags (for soiled tissues), and gloves. Aprons to be machine washed daily.
  • Instructors will wear their masks during mounting and whenever within proximity of others, but will remove and store mask according to PHO infection control guidelines when further away for clear communication.
  • Instructors will provide assistance to riders from the side or back as much as possible- avoiding standing directly in front of them as much as able.
  • Staff will manage all for proper social distancing- not normal in our environment- so many will need reminders initially.


  • There will be a maximum of 2 riders, 2 horse handlers and 2 instructors in the arena at one time. 2 riders can be in a class together or 2 separate classes.
  • Nothing gets attached to saddles.
  • There will be set weekly activities using easily washed objects.
  • When preparing horses in the barn, cross ties will be at a safe distance from each other.
  • The barn and tack room will have restricted access for authorized visitors and personnel only.


  • There will be a designated place for dirty tack and grooming supplies.
  • Reins will be wiped with disinfectant before and after each use.
  • designated cleaning volunteers and/or staff will be assigned.
  • Staff are responsible for cleaning and sanitizing equipment used by them.
  • All cleaning will follow Public Health Ontario (PHO) guidelines.
  • All areas will be clearly signposted.


  • Saddles will be cleaned between riders.
  • There will be designated tack cleaning areas.
  • All areas will be clearly signposted.

Lead ropes and halters

  • Lead ropes and halters will be dipped in cleaning/disinfectant and then hung.

Saddle pads

  • Will be hung in the ‘used’ drawer. When tacking a horse take pads from the ‘clean’ drawer.


  • Will be cleaned after each use.


  • Will disinfect gate latches, cross tie snaps, hose ends, door knobs, light switches, lift railings twice a day.
  • There will be trash bins provided by all sanitizing areas.
  • There will be signs such as ‘how to properly use hand sanitizer, cough into elbow, signs on hand washing by faucets, etc.’
  • Disinfectants will follow the PHO recommendations.